Com olhares fixos e curiosos...
Delicio-me no meu paço a buscar
Corpo solto e leve em cada passo
Firmando o traço alinhado da vida
Com medo e ousadia fingida, passo
Relutante as ofertas e crenças eivas
Sem perder o chão que piso ignoto
Lembrando- me da minha casa branca
Não desisto dos passos e da trilha funda
Pai, não esqueci tuas palavras verazes
Mãe, sei que oras por mim com devoção!
E nas apócrifas linhas do caminho, pulo
Sendo a filha de quem sou!
A coragem me amadurece a cada vila balda
E me transformo em gente sem perceber
Numa fé que estremece meu chão...
Sinto puro amor e de cabeça erguida vou
Sem esquecer quem sou!
Paths I walked
With curious stares and hope
I delight in my palace to seek
Body loose and light in every step
Fastening the dash line of life
With feigned fear and daring, I walk
Reluctant offerings and false beliefs
Without losing the unknown ground, I walk
Reminding me of my little white house
And the rocky roads I’ll, still, face ahead…
Father, I did not forget your words of wisdom
Mother, I know you pray for me with devotion
And… the apocryphal lines in my path, I jump
Being the daughter of who I am!
Courage matures me in every path I take
And… I become solid without realizing it
A faith that shakes my floor ...
Feels like pure love and I will head up
Not to forget where I came from!
I delight in my palace to seek
Body loose and light in every step
Fastening the dash line of life
With feigned fear and daring, I walk
Reluctant offerings and false beliefs
Without losing the unknown ground, I walk
Reminding me of my little white house
And the rocky roads I’ll, still, face ahead…
Father, I did not forget your words of wisdom
Mother, I know you pray for me with devotion
And… the apocryphal lines in my path, I jump
Being the daughter of who I am!
Courage matures me in every path I take
And… I become solid without realizing it
A faith that shakes my floor ...
Feels like pure love and I will head up
Not to forget where I came from!