Do mesmo amor nascemos
Curto o tempo que tivemos juntos...
Na alma do amadurecimento
Fostes inesperadamente...
Nem menos disse adeus
Não nos conhecemos!
Apesar dos nossos laços de união
Ainda tínhamos muito por viver
Sua partida súbita nos calou
De nos tornarmos velhos amigos
Ainda me pergunto como seria...
Olhar as dobras do teu rosto
Ouvir sua voz roca e ríspida
Assistir teus triunfos aos meus
Celebrar tuas bodas e dos teus
Relembrar o passado inexistente
Consolar e ser consolada na dor
Sorrir nas datas festivas?
Calado está, e nunca saberei
Apenas a lembrança vaga...
Do pouco que ficou...
Melhor assim! Será?
Vagueio sem sono e quase mórbida
Desejo ter partido no teu lugar!
Calado está e nunca saberei...
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We came from the same love
Our time was short together
In the soul of the ripening
You left unexpectedly ...
No time to say goodbye
Yet, we never knew each other
Despite the bonds of our love
We still had much to live,brother
Your sudden departure silently
We came from the same love
Our time was short together
In the soul of the ripening
You left unexpectedly ...
No time to say goodbye
Yet, we never knew each other
Despite the bonds of our love
We still had much to live,brother
Your sudden departure silently
Shut all voices of life !
I still wonder how it would be…
To become old friends
To look the age lines of your face
To hear the wisdom of your voice
To watch your triumphs over mine
To look the age lines of your face
To hear the wisdom of your voice
To watch your triumphs over mine
To comfort and be comforted in pain
We missed all the celebrations
We missed the past and the future
What is to smile in the holidays?
The answer, I will never know
Just a vague memory…
From the little that we lived
Better so! I am not sure!
Wandering without sleep and almost morbid
I wish to have departured in your place!
In silent, I will never know ...
We missed the past and the future
What is to smile in the holidays?
The answer, I will never know
Just a vague memory…
From the little that we lived
Better so! I am not sure!
Wandering without sleep and almost morbid
I wish to have departured in your place!
In silent, I will never know ...